
Bits arriving


Bow Thruster tunnel before fitting

Hydraiulic tank and solenioids


100m of 13mm chain
weighs 500+ Kgs

The Thruster tunnel is 268 mm OD
The Hole cut was 250mm
So I think i should have bought a smaller tunnel and thruster.

I Copied the cad drawing with the new size to make a plastic template.

Fitting Bow Tunnel

23-11-2008 Part 2

Thruster Tunnel drilled for the thruster.
The centre Line is the centre of the prop.

Showing the new hole size after the template.
Cutting this was easy. Enter Makita Tools once again.
I cut both sides with a varispeed Makita Jigsaw.
1 blade was used with some cutting fluid.

Bits cut out. and tube inserted.

Tube fully in ready for scribing and cutting to shape.

Inside view of the fitted tunnel, Now you can see why I had to keep the tube forward away from the bulkhead.

Fit is perfect.
More soon. just not getting time to get this done.