
16th April 2008

The engine room is nearing finish welding, we spent the day getting everything in order and ran the welds. I had forgotten to take an over all pic since it was completed.

Presenting the assembled hull.
To say I'm sorta pleased with the outcome would be an understatement.

Full view of the boat, theres a 30 foot truck parked behind it!


15th April 2008

Aft Cabin cleared out for final welding, Lots of cleaning to be done before the welding begins,
It will take a few days to weld this cabin....

3 days of welding in the engine room, its nearly done.


9th April 2008

The beginning of the end,

Today I finished the flybridge bits and thought about what's next.
The radar arch won't go on for a while as its going to be bigger than the one with the kit.
The new design I have in mind will be on rams to lower it for Shannon river cruising is we decide to put it up there for a summer.
All thats left is the keel and the bulwark inner plating.
SO... its finish welding time...
started in the engine room and will work from centre to front and back in steps and from the centre to each side, swapping from side to side.

Its very time consuming but to get it right and clean is the only way.

The Flux cored wire gives a lovely finish.


7th & 8th April 2008

Took off the bits I hurridly put on and finish welded the bits it will cover.

Front windows welded fully

Lower bit finished on the 7th, the side bits went on that night.

Pressiure required to shape the curve to the correct shape. its a case of "whatever works here"

Completed flybridge, then I ran out of gas...


6th April 2008

Today I welded down the main roof, these clamps are really good. we have used them from day one. the abuse thay can take. (Irwin brand) dear but worth it.

OOPS, forgot to mention all the other stuff that got done in the last two weeks:
Second fuel tank fully closed and welded.
welded the gunnell walkways to the cabin sides.
organised the primer for the boat, Its going to be yellow for a few weeks... ouch!

Start of the fly bridge construction. All goes to plan

All the upright pieces in place.

The rails fitted and all lined up perfect.

lower curved bits roughly tacked for final cutting to size and welding.

OH.. I should have finish welded the bits it covered so it all has to come off again... DUH!!!!

Once removed and finished, I'll put it all back on again..

I'll get all this done this week.
6th April 2008

Hi everyone, its been too long since I posted, some things did get done.
Last week was too busy, as usual I lost most of it to work.
Also last week saw the 4000th person looking at this blog, I hope you all enjoy it as much as i do doing it.

Below, with the nose fitted, time to get finishing the bow internally before I put the bow piece back on.

Internal view of the fully welded bow with the top laid in place.

some bits had to be welded with the use of a mirror to see underneath, that was huge fun.!!!

With the bow deck piece in place, I could finish the fore deck, I finished this on Sat 5th april.
The front bent bit fitted in easier than I thought.

Finished front end of the boat, ready for final welding